John A. Vitale

CEO President

John A. Vitale AIA has directed the growth of Stucky Vitale Architects for over 40 Years. During his career, he has participated in various AIA activities and has served as chairman of the AIA National Knowledge Community for Contract Administration. John’s architectural background includes a wide spectrum of experience in Commercial, Industrial, Multi-Family and Healthcare. His extensive experience in Healthcare has promoted the firm’s growth in this sector to include projects on a national level. John has promoted design and service as the cornerstone of SVA’s philosophy and mentored many generations of young SVA professionals, providing them with tools for building a strong foundation of skills helping them to grow throughout their careers. Throughout his entire career John continuously developed and implemented a strong mentorship program, guiding SVA interns through the A.R.E. process and becoming licensed professionals.


Phone: 784-251-1658




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